Minutes of Inglenook Exploration Project
Community Consultative Committee Meeting
Date and time: Tuesday 25/03/2014, 9:30am
Location: Inglenook Project Office, "Spring Park", Running Stream
Present Margaret MacDonald-Hill (MMH) Chair
Julie Moloney (JM) Office of Resources & Energy, Mineral Resources
Esme Martens (EM) Inglenook Community Representative
Neva Lilley (NL) Inglenook Community Representative
Mitchell Clapham (MC) Inglenook Community Representative
Jolieske Lips (JL) Inglenook Community Representative
Greg Banning (GB) Centennial Coal
Alex Brown (AB) Centennial Coal
Thomas Dubos (TD) Centennial Coal
Apologies Cr Ray Thompson Lithgow City Council
Alanna Ryan (AR) Centennial Coal
Welcome and Introduction
The Chair opened the formal meeting at 9:40am welcomed all attendees and thanked them for their
Declarations of Interest
- MMH noted her position as Independent Chair appointed by the Minister for Energy & Resources. She is also a Member of the Mine Subsidence Board & Minister’s Arbitration Panel.
- EM as owner of mineral rights in relation to the Inglenook EL, member of Charbon CCC.
- NL’s family as owners of mineral rights in relation to the Inglenook EL.
- JL as owner of mineral rights in relation to the Inglenook EL
Confirmation of previous minutes: Minutes were confirmed as a true record moved by NL and seconded by MC.
Business arising: MMH followed up with Lithgow City Council and confirmed there is no change in Council's representation.
- TD presented a project update since the last CCC meeting. Exploration boreholes are planned in the Melrose, Cameron Road and Ilford exploration licences however the budget for 2014 exploration has not yet been approved by Centennial. EM asked if holes will be drilled out at Razorback. TD explained that hole locations are not definite however some holes have planned locations along Razorback.
- GB discussed the presentation that Centennial gave to the Department of Resources and Energy in March.
- JL asked for an explanation of the vibrating Wire Piezometer installation. TD explained that the water monitoring installation sites typically consist of two boreholes. One stand pipe piezometer borehole which monitors water level and allows for groundwater samples to be taken. The other installation is a vibrating wire installation which consists of several vibrating wire piezometers at various depths throughout the strata which are grouted in place to measure water pressure.
- JL asked if drilling is decided for 2014. GB noted that a meeting with the Government was held in early March and that Malcolm Ives was currently preparing an internal drill plan for review by senior management.
- NL commented on the quality of the coal on the top of Mount Vincent. TD responded that coal was as expected from the current Inglenook model in both thickness and quality.
- JL noted that an installation was planned for Carwell Creek. TD responded that Centennial are still pursuing the installation and Centennial will get back to JL once the installation planning has been finalised.
Out: MMH sent email 15 Nov to Lithgow City Council to confirm the representative was still Cr Ray Thompson
In: Email response received from Lithgow City Council on 9 Dec confirming that the representative was still Cr Ray Thompson.
General Business
- NL asked about Airly Coal production, if any coal has been produced and if Charbon is still producing. GB confirmed that coal has been produced. NL asked about the number of staff that transferred. JL commented that it would be nice to know how many Charbon employees were let go. GB noted that Centennial will provide the numbers of employees that have transferred to Airly.
- JL commented that a neighbour contacted her in regards to an environmental monitoring agreement she received. JL expected a scope of works should be included with the agreement. JL acknowledged that
- Centennial has provided a letter in relation to the monitoring however it is not of sufficient detail. JL requested Centennial supply a scope of works for the environmental monitoring. AR will supply a scope of works and make contact with JL before the next CCC.
- JL asked if Centennial will be conducting dust and noise monitoring. AB responded that noise and dust monitoring is not taking place at this stage. The Inglenook meteorological station data which is being collected and field observations will be used to provide dust modelling.
- JL asked about an issue with one of the boreholes which was to be left open for production and casing falling down the borehole. TD responded that the hole in question was drilled in 2012 and had an issue with friable Narrabeen sands constantly falling into the borehole once the drill rods were removed to case off. The hole was cleaned out and fully sealed to surface.
Meeting closed Meeting closed at 10.15am.
Next meeting scheduled for Tuesday 22 July 2014 at Spring Park at 9.30am.
Action Items
AR to contact JL and provide detailed Flora Survey information.
Feedback to be provided to CC members re: number of employees transferred to Airly from Charbon