Saturday, 26 November 2016

AGM 28 November, 6.30 pm

Just a reminder to members that our AGM is to be held at 6.30 pm on Monday 28 November at Running Stream hall.

Please come along and support your association!

Afterwards there will be a light supper, which will give us an opportunity to talk and catch up.

Please note that membership renewals are due.

We look forward to seeing you there.

AGM Agenda

ITEM 1: Confirmation of Minutes of the 2015 AGM

ITEM 2: President’s Report
ITEM 3: Treasurer’s Report and Acceptance of Annual Statement
ITEM 4: Election of Office Bearers
ITEM 5: Membership Fees

Inglenook CCC report notes 20 September 2016

20 Sept 2016 Inglenook CCC -  Report to Meeting by Centennial

Reporting period: March 2016 – September 2016

Project Update: Exploration Drilling
• Budget submission for 7 exploration boreholes to be drilled in 2017 has been submitted to Senior Management for approval.
• Focus of the drilling program is to define the western extent of the coal resource across Exploration Licences EL7431 and EL7432.
• The drilling program has not yet been approved and the CCC will be advised if the drilling program is to recommence in 2017.

EL A414 Renewal
• A414 expired in June 2016. Centennial submitted a renewal application in June 2016 for a further term of six years.
• The Department’s Exploration Titles Committee (ETC) oversees the renewal process. This committee is chaired by the Manager, Royalties and Adviser Services and comprises representatives from the Geological Survey, the Environmental Sustainability Unit and the Titles Unit.
• Until an expired exploration title is renewed the conditions of the expired exploration licence remain in effect. Renewal is expected by December 2016

Environmental Management
• Baseline surface water quality sampling scheduled for 28 September 2016
• Baseline groundwater quality and level sampling scheduled for 28 September 2016.
• Baseline vibrating wire piezometer data has been collected remotely on a daily basis and will continue.
• Baseline weather data collection has also continued throughout the reporting period and will continue.

• A414 Annual Exploration and Community Consultation report submitted to NSW Department of Industry in June. Non-Compliance
• There has been no incidents of non-compliance during the reporting period.

Community Engagement
• Project newsletter to be distributed in October 2016.
• Access Agreement negotiations for future exploration will resume once the 2017 work program has been approved by Centennial management.

Activities for the coming reporting period

• Planning for future exploration drilling.
• Statutory Exploration Licence reporting for EL7431, EL7432 and EL7442 in December 2016.
• Surface water and groundwater monitoring to be undertaken in September.
• Monitoring will only be undertaken at existing monitoring sites
Company Update
• Improved efficiency and cost management across each of the five operational mine sites has enabled Centennial Coal to remain competitive through the current industry downturn.
• NSW Department of Planning and Environment released Draft CCC Guidelines for comment. Centennial participated with the NSW Minerals Council Working Group to develop a submission in relation to the Guidelines. Awaiting the release of the Guidelines.

• NSW Department of Planning and Environment has commenced consultation in relation to the Social Impact Assessment process. The outcome of the consultation will be used to inform the draft SIA Guidelines which are expected to be released November 2016 for comment.

(Notes compiled by Jolieske Lips, Community and RSWUA Representative.)