Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Rally to save Wollar at Mudgee Town Hall, 10 am Tuesday 11 April

The close-knit community of Wollar has already endured a decade of suffering from nearby Wilpinjong coal mine. Now the mine owners want to expand the project to within 1.5 km of the village, spelling the end for Wollar.

Even the NSW Government admits that approving the Wilpinjong mine expansion would kill off Wollar forever. Sadly, it seems they don't care, with the NSW Planning Department recommending the mine be approved.

Please come to the rally on Tuesday 11 April and stand with the people of Wollar as they fight to save their community from coal mining.

Rally: 10am, Tuesday 11th April, outside Mudgee Town Hall (64 Market St)

Public meeting (PAC hearing): 10:30 am, inside the hall. The public meeting will be put on by the NSW Planning Assessment Commission. To register to speak, call (02) 9383 2115 before 1 pm Thursday 6th April. 

The PAC is the government authority that will soon make the final decision on whether the mine expansion goes ahead, and this is our last chance to influence them. This is Wollar's last stand!

Read more at Lock the Gate.