Thursday, 13 June 2013


Landowners in the Ilford/Running Stream area would have recently found a glossy brochure in their letterboxes from Centennial Coal. The Inglenook Exploration Project update featured a photograph of the spectacular view from Mt Vincent on the cover, a landscape that the company propose to dig up given half the chance. This sort of disingenuous promotion is just another example of the sort of propaganda that the company engages in to assuage the fears of locals and lull them into a false sense of security that the coal industry is somehow good for the environment. But we are not so stupid.

The new project manager, Alex Brown, has declined our invitation to speak with the community at a public meeting, as has the new mine manager at Charbon. We can only take heart in the information that they provide in the brochure about the downturn in the mining industry nationally and the mothballing of local mines such as Airly. The results of their exploration to date reveal that "The coal resource varies throughout the project area due to the location of the Project area on the Western fringe of the Sydney Coal Basin." We will ask for further explanation of this statement at the next Inglenook CCC.

In the meantime, you can view their brochure here:

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