Monday, 6 May 2013


CHARBON COAL PTY. LIMITED ABN 71 064 237 118 A subsidiary of Centennial Coal Company Limited CHARBON COAL P.O. Box 84, Kandos 2848 NSW Australia 

 MEETING 04/03/13 Present: Margaret MacDonald-Hill (Chair - MMH), Neil Larcombe (Charbon Mine Manager - NL), Matt Gray (Charbon Environment and Community Co-ordinator - MG), Alan Jackson (Community Representative - AJ), Bob Craze (Community Representative - BC), Jack Pennell (Community Representative - JP), Naida Wills (Community Representative - NW), Jorgen Andersen (Rylstone District Environment Society - JA), Esme Martens (Council Representative - EM). Apologies: Nell Schofield (Alternate Community Representative - NS) and Margaret Clementson (Community Representative).
  Welcome: Margaret MacDonald-Hill (MMH) welcomed members of the Charbon Colliery Community Consultative Committee. Declarations of Interest: MMH declared her position as the Independent Chair approved by the Director General, Department of Planning & Infrastructure, Member of the Mine Subsidence Board and Ministers' Arbitration Panel. 
Confirmation of Previous Minutes: Jorgen Andersen (JA) 
- confirmed that the minutes be accepted, Bob Craze (BC) 
- seconded. 

Business Arising: Neil Larcombe (NL) 
- Introduced himself (new mine manager)
- 18 months of underground and 2 years of open cut remaining. 

Margaret MacDonald-Hill (MMH) 
- Tried to contact State Rail on future of railway line. No response received. 

NL - gave a contact number for J Holland who maintains rail assets. 
MMH - Will follow up new contact. 
MMH - mentioned External Audit – MG advised still awaiting DoPI approval 
- Emailed to CCC members NSW Minerals Council presentation by MG. 
- Sent email to State Rail. NW supported a commemorative train for Kandos centenary. 

Reports: Operations Report: Presented by NL. Environmental Update: Presented by MG. General Business: General discussion on lime factory and noise by NW and BC. EM asked about Inglenook exploration and closing of Charbon operation. 
JA tabled an email complaint from NS received on behalf of non-resident landholders. 
MG to follow up. Meeting Closed: 11:35am Next meeting: September 9 2013. 

1 comment:

  1. Small bits of content which are explained in details, helps me understand the topic, thank you!

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